Tag: customer

    The Quest

    The Quest

    A quest, in marketing terms, is a goal, a mission, a focus beyond just trying to sell more. It is something that drives the business to make a difference in some way. It is big, audacious, almost impossible to dare to dream.

    The Three Types of Value

    The Three Types of Value

    When you think of value, what’s the first thing that comes to mind? Money? You’re not alone. Most of the world will think that money is the best way to measure the value of a product or service. After all, the monetary cost is what people pay to get what you sell. But the actual…

    What does your customer value?

    What does your customer value?

    About a year ago, I went to see the musical Hamilton in Los Angeles with my girlfriend. It was a high brow event, with people paying as much as $500-$1000 a ticket to see the show. (Luckily we’d managed to snag tickets for only $180, but it still wasn’t what I’d call a cheap night…