Should You Hire a Content Writer for a Small Business?

    June 13, 2021
    3 min read

    If you want your site to rank well in search engines and to attract attention, you might be thinking of hiring a content writer for your blog articles or to write your landing pages and social media posts.

    In our experience, there are many reasons why small businesses will hire a copywriter or content writer. Here are three reasons why people choose to work with a content writer:

    1) Poorly written websites look unprofessional

    Very often a business owner will think they can write their website themselves. After all, most people can type out a few sentences in an email. So, how much harder can it be to write your own website?

    Turns out, it’s a lot harder than you might think.

    The thing is, writing a website is very different to writing emails. The words and paragraphs are structured differently. There are headlines, subheadings, calls to action, voice tones and a lot more.

    If you attempt to write it all yourself, it will look less professional. It’s like sewing your own clothes. It can be done, but often it is wiser (and cheaper) to hire a professional.

    2) Business owners can’t describe their business in a succinct way

    As a business owner, you are definitely the closest person to your business and the one who knows it best. When speaking with your customers, you’re ideally placed to answer questions about what your company does.

    But the truth is, even though you know about your business, it doesn’t mean that you can write well about it.

    In today’s world, with attention spans getting shorter all the time, you need a quick, insightful way to help your website visitors to understand your business products and services. More than that, you need to help them towards buying from you.

    3) A professional content writer will save you time and get better results

    Yes, you can sit for hours trying to capture the perfect tagline or to reduce pages of text into a few paragraphs. Or you can pay a few hundred dollars and let a copywriter do it for you in much less time.

    Just because a content writer can write faster than you doesn’t mean they aren’t doing excellent work. Remember that years of experience add up and help good writers to create more compelling copy.

    What might take you ten hours could take a professional content writer less than three. But more than that, it will likely be better written and more engaging.

    You can think of a content writer like a personal trainer at a gym.

    Sure, you can work out by yourself and get decent results if you are committed. However, a personal trainer will shortcut your time and increase your results. They will also keep you on track to your goal when you get led astray.

    The same is true of hiring a content writer for your small business. They will shorten the time and increase the results you get for the money you spend on their services.

    Looking for a professional content writer for your small business? Shorthand Content is a content marketing agency based in Orange County California.

    We specialize in writing content for websites, social media posts, Facebook Ads, brochures and emails. If you would like to discuss working with us, visit our content writer pricing and plans to get started.