Tag: content writing

    How To Find New Content Ideas with Google

    How To Find New Content Ideas with Google

    Even though you know all the answers to the simple questions about your business, your prospects don’t. Take the time to answer them in a helpful way and you will grow your reach and online rankings quickly.

    Should You Hire a Writer for your Blog?

    Should You Hire a Writer for your Blog?

    When considering hiring a blog writer, it can be confusing to know whether the cost is worth it. Here’s what you need to know before hiring a blog writer for your business.

    Content Writing Vs. Copywriting: What’s the Difference?

    Content Writing Vs. Copywriting: What’s the Difference?

    Both content writers and copywriters use words to help people better understand what a business does, and help to grow interest in a product or service. But they are slightly different.

    Should You Hire a Content Writer for a Small Business?

    Should You Hire a Content Writer for a Small Business?

    In our experience, there are many reasons why a small business will hire a copywriter or content writer. Here are three reasons why people choose to work with a content writer:

    7 Types of Content Marketing to Use for Your Business

    7 Types of Content Marketing to Use for Your Business

    The true purpose of content marketing is to give people a sample of what you offer. If they like what they read, watch or consume then they are likely to trust you more and consider buying from you. Sounds simple. But it’s not easy. Creating content for your business that is engaging and works for…

    Why Creating Content for Your Business is Hard

    Why Creating Content for Your Business is Hard

    Trying to do content marketing for your business is tough. Trying to do it every week for several years on end can feel excruciating.

    How to Repurpose Content Effectively in 4 Steps

    How to Repurpose Content Effectively in 4 Steps

    Doing great content marketing is just like raising children. Everything is changing constantly, and your attention, love, and care is always needed.

    The Benefits of Content Marketing for Everyone

    The Benefits of Content Marketing for Everyone

    If you can provide a service or product for that answer, then you’ll be looking at a loyal audience who are more likely to buy your products or services.

    Culture is the ultimate Marketing Strategy

    Culture is the ultimate Marketing Strategy

    When was the last time you made an automatic purchase? When you didn’t think about whether you needed it, how much it cost, or if the purchase made sense? You just bought it and felt good. This type of impulse-buy usually happens when we are in a particular frame of mind. Sometimes it can be…

    What’s behind the curtain?

    What’s behind the curtain?

    A lot of business owners think that by revealing the ‘secrets’ of what they do that somehow this will put them at a disadvantage. By showing how the business works, or what goes into providing the service, you somehow will dissuade customers from buying from you. Ironically, the reverse is true.