Tag: Marketing

    The Three Types of Value

    The Three Types of Value

    When you think of value, what’s the first thing that comes to mind? Money? You’re not alone. Most of the world will think that money is the best way to measure the value of a product or service. After all, the monetary cost is what people pay to get what you sell. But the actual…

    Focus on the Action, Not the Attitude.

    Focus on the Action, Not the Attitude.

    One of the biggest mistakes most businesses will have in gaining new customers is that they think they have to change the attitude of their prospects. Usually, when a person buys a product or service, they go from being ignorant about it, to apathetic, and then move to either disinterested or interested. It’s the same…

    Marketing that Matters.

    Marketing that Matters.

    When we think of marketing, it’s easy to think of it as ads. Or sales promotions to try to get money out of people. But I see it as much bigger than that. Marketing is a bridge builder. It starts small with ideas and insights. It grows to become a familiar part of your life….

    Marketing is not like Dating

    Marketing is not like Dating

    One of the most common marketing and sales analogies you hear is “you can’t marry someone on the first date.” This means that you don’t go from strangers to a lifetime commitment within a few minutes. I agree that it’s true. Sort of. Sales and marketing are successful when there is trust, and a sense…

    Culture is the ultimate Marketing Strategy

    Culture is the ultimate Marketing Strategy

    When was the last time you made an automatic purchase? When you didn’t think about whether you needed it, how much it cost, or if the purchase made sense? You just bought it and felt good. This type of impulse-buy usually happens when we are in a particular frame of mind. Sometimes it can be…