Why ‘most people’ won’t read what you write

    July 25, 2018
    2 min read

    This is an important thing to know.

    ‘Most people’ don’t read your posts when you post them. ‘Most people’ don’t watch your videos, or listen to your podcasts when you upload them.

    That’s because in that moment they aren’t concerned about your thoughts, your life, your products or services. In fact ‘most people’ won’t ever care what you create.

    To me, this used to be super frustrating.

    Why didn’t ‘most people’ like my work? Why wasn’t it a viral sensation?

    Then it dawned on me: the role of a content creator isn’t to make things that go viral. It’s to write things that help one person when they need help.

    It’s only after something has been posted, and starts showing up in the search engines that it becomes valuable. This is when one person who has a strong interest will find it, and actually read it. Actually watch it. Actually listen to it.

    It will always be just one person reading it.
    Meanwhile ‘most people’ ignore it.

    The content that you have on your site is incredibly valuable and interesting when it solves the need of one person who desperately needs it.

    Now when I sit down to write something for myself, or for one of my clients, I ask: who is the one person I am writing this for? How am I helping them?

    Once that intention is clear, I can write something of value.

    Over time, if I do this enough, what is valuable will start to rise to the top. One person at a time, it will lead them to want to read what I write next.

    To me that is the true path to creating valuable content marketing. One valuable content piece, for one person. It will stand the test of time.

    I’ve personally given up trying to get ‘most people’ to read what I write.

    I only want one person who really needs my help to read it.

    – Daniel @ Shorthand